If you are looking for a fast, reliable, and affordable way into learning Forex

Discover the path to financial freedom with Scalp Trading Lab

Daily Callouts

When I see an entry, you see an entry. I call out every move I make inside of the Telegram to ensure your success alongside mine.

Morning Analysis 

Every morning you can tap into the Telegram to get my analysis on different markets, showing potential moves and direction.

 Community Mentor

With new graduates, comes new mentors. Ask questions, and receive back real answers from others who are following this strategy

Free Education

I drop all of my knowledge on Youtube for FREE to provide you with as much validation in your investment into the industry.

March Total Percentage: +13%

Week 1

Monday +2%

Tuesday +2%

Wednesday +1%

Thursday No Trade

Friday No Trade


Week 1 = +5%

Week 2

Monday No Trade

Tuesday +4%

Wednesday No Trade

Thursday +4%

Friday No Trade


Week 2 = +8%

Week 3

Monday No Trade

Tuesday No Trade

Wednesday -1%

Thursday -1%

Friday Break Even


Week 3 = -2%

Week 4

Monday +2%

Tuesday +1%

Wednesday No Trade

Thursday -1%

Friday No Trade


Week 4 = +2%

Get Answers to All your Quentions

Below are answered the most common questions.

From 8:30 am – 11:00 am eastern time. Along side with a daily market analysis before hand. 

Strictly only EUR/USD

12.5% is the average for the LAST 6 MONTHS! 

YES with proper risk management. Many people have used my signals to pass their challenges. 

Always either an 8 or 10 pips stop loss.

7 out of 10 trades will be sent as limits 

I recommend closing at least at take profit 2 not that way you can make +5% winning only 5 out of 10 trades. 

I recommend a funding company that way you can make more money based off the same % made in the group.

2-5 Trades Average A week!

It is definitely MORE than just a signal group it is a true learn and earn where I provide my analysis daily pre market giving you guys my complete strategy! 

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